About Laxjade

Laxjade Digital is an IT company establised in Jan 2024. We are successfully running our business in the IT sector from past 4 months.We have registered ourself with MIDC and MSMED. Our do business in the following.

  • Website Design and Development
  • Software Development
  • Hardware and Networking
  • Digital Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Logo and Graphics Designing
  • E- Commerce Development

Our Work

We have received various awards for excellence for our work. At Laxjade we use high end technology for Web Development.

The main aim of Laxjade is to promote the latest internet technology to the various parts of the country. We are working with various NGOs for the awarness of computer knowledge. At present we have given our services to more than 50+ clients both in India and Abroad.

Website Development

We have started our business as website developers. We use the latest cutting edge technology for website designing and development. We understand our client requirement and budget and deliver our services as per the client requirement.

Hardware and Networking

We have a full fledge section for hardware and networking. We have a team of certified network engineers who work 24/7 for our clients. We give both field and remote service for hardware and networking.

Digital Marketing

We are experts in Brand creation and Digital marketing. We understand the need of Digital Marketing so we have a team of professionals. We identify the client need and the target market and plan out startegy accordingly. All the services are given as reasonable cost.